Sunday 5 January 2014

Strength Program Review

Time for a review of my last post Strength and Fatloss Training Program.
But first of all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 
I did have a little brake for a couple of weeks, i think we all deserve that rest time, the way i look at it, what is 2 weeks brake out of the whole year?
Now...back on it

I have changed the program slightly, making it more difficult for myself ofcourse , as for me this way it seems to be better and i have found my strength is improving.

Below is the exercises i have changed with a brief description of why i changed them.

On the first section.

-Alternating bent over rows Changed to Renegade rows.
The reason for the change is i didn't think it was pushing me hard enough, yes i could of added more reps or even added more sets, but on this part i wanted to keep it focus on strength, i felt like i could of done a few more sets, but it would have just put on more time to the workout which i didn't want. The Renegade Row put allot more stress on the core, still using that pulling movement, and felt it was working better, and also found it was fatiguing me quicker getting to that final set, making me feel worked.

-Push ups on KB's
 I haven't changed the exercise as such, just been doing a different variety of push ups but keeping reps between 10-15, one i now do..Feet on a raised surface such as a chair, hands slightly over shoulder width, now from this point i push my but into the the air, basically so my body looks like an upside down V. Slow on the way down with a slight pause at the bottom, quick on the way up. a push up is one im always studying, as there always seems to be one better.

On section 2

I haven't made any changes, but i have added an exercise which involves a barbell which i have placed after the two handed kb swing.
This involves the the lower half of the body, focus is on quads.
you don't really need to go heavy on this...its a killer, i put around 20kilos on..for the time being.
So.....on to the exercise.
with the bar in front of you, you can deadlift the bar bringing to your hips, from here try to get the bar to sit in the folding point of your hips, feet just over shoulder width apart, slowly come down to around 90 degree as if you were squatting, from here you going to hold that position, you should be able to let go of the bar which should be sitting onto your hip if it rolls forward you need to come down further (can rap a towel round the bar to make it more comfortable).
Keep your chest out, look forward and hold for as long as you can (for balance you can slightly rest your elbows onto your legs, but the exercise does have a less effect, i keep my arms free, usually imagine im holding something in my hands in front of my chest). Once you cannot hold no more, grab hold of the bar and slowly come up and bring the bar back down.

Section 3

After the towel swings i have changed a few things also added a few movements, still focusing on the core but also grip strength here really gets some work.

So after the towel swings this is what it looks like (not quite sure with with the name on some of the exercises, but again i will give a brief description)

-Kettlebell (or dumbbell, making sure the weight is a bit challenging) in either hand first, if we start in the right hand we are going to balance with are right leg, kb in left hand we balance on are left leg and so on. so..kettlebell in hand balance on the one leg, here you really want to be contracting your abs and squeezing the but , also remember consistent breathing, stand up tall, and hold the position for time, then switch sides and repeat.

-Farmers walks with single KB
again really contracting your abs with consistent breathing, this can be for distance or time, but with this also really squeezing the kettlebell handle, great for building grip strength and even the shoulders. do one side first then switch sides.

After the Farmers Walks i go into Lateral Walks, really does work great.

Then for the final exercise
-2 KB's of the same weight in each hand, i use a step, do step ups 5 each side, then i walk around on the balls of my feet for as long as possible, working upper and lower body, main focus calves and forearm, believe it or not its the grip that gives away first...leaving them burning near the end.

With the exercises above its still minimal rest between, with 60 second rest after a completed set. completing the desired amount of sets. 

Again...some days i may go lighter and do more reps, and some days i may have to cut the sets a little...which i may need to as my 2 weeks of stuffing Christmas food into my stomach may take a big impact ;)

Happy 2014 ladies and gents.
Have a good day.

Lewis Lee Timson

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