Monday 13 October 2014

A Little Insider On My Workout Program

I often get asked questions what my current routine is and where i got it from, below is a post i wrote on my facebook group page, a little on how i started my program and a little on my past.

"For me i focus on full body, so no split routines, some people can cope better doing this than others as it is pretty tiring on the body.

I found that following these routines that celebs post just dont really seem to work, or rather not for me, there just doesn't seem to be that balance in there to help progress.
Anyway for the past couple of years i have always created my own programs some didnt work, but some did.
And i always had thrown at me "kettlebells don't build muscle" and "there a worthless peace of equipment", ok i wasn't looking to put on mega size like a body builder but i did want a little but more for the strength, so i set the determination pretty high to try accomplish this goal to prove to "myself" it can be done.
Yes...i put on size, i started at 63kg or so at 20%body fat, (i was a stick)
with just using KBs and bodyweight exercises i manged to get up to 76kg and down to 10.2%bodyfat, workouts had to have a few tweaks, and some exercises changed all together during the process, and yes i also gained strength, going from pressing lighter weight KBs the pressing 2x 32kg kettlebells.
Since last year i came up with a great idea for a program, even had a discussion with a guy called Ramon who i got certified for kettlebell with, and he said he was studying the same thing and that i had it spot on the way i was working, made me happy ofcourse :)
Im going to share a little part of my program, NOT the exercises, but how i perform. As this program maybe my future seller, you never know

All my workouts are broke down into sections. You do 2 rounds of a sections chosen exercises, rest for 1 minute then repeat that section again, after that section is completed, you move on to the next section.
What we are trying to do is focus on both pushing and pulling movements, vertical and horizontal with the body's alignment.

-The first section is focuses on the upper body

-The second section the lower part of the body

-And thirdly the abdominal/core area

I then leave a little space at the end to do a bit extra if i please.
I.E more grip work, bit of extra cardio with swings and burpees...and so on.

Every individual is different so programs would always need to be adjusted to suit, same as with dieting plans, no person can ever have the same plan. taking into consideration of body type, weight, past diet till now, rest, how active the person is...the list goes on."

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