Wednesday 16 October 2013

Do Kettlebells Build Muscle?

The question today 'Do Kettlebells Build Muscle?'. By searching the net i can see this has become an argument between many individuals who are into there fitness or even from the fitness industry.

Im going to keep this simple, lets start with dumbbells, barbells etc.
many people know if they want to get big they have to lift and eat right, so..they lift heavy to get big,
compound and isolation movements, targeting individual muscles groups on a daily bases.

Now kettlebells, as we know kettlebells are used in a different way than what we would with dumbbells, but..we can still involve some of the same movements that we would use on a dumbbell, ie overhead press, rows, even bicep curls, ok yes the way that the kettlebell sits is a bit of a difference to how a dumbbell would sit as a kettlebell is an off centered weight.

The fact: it is a simple fact, dumbbells are a weight, and would you believe it...kettlebells are also a weight!
Now we know what happens when you lift weight? you get muscles!...just not that easy. We all wish it was.
My point on the subject is this, if lifting 24kg, 32kg dumbbells to build muscle, why cant you with kettlebells?
well the fact is you can, like i said you can do the same lifting movements as you would with a dumbbell, maybe not all of the exercises would work...but most do.

My fact number 2: when i started kettlebell back in 2011, i was skinny as a rake, that was after i started press ups etc so sod knows what i looked liked in 2010! anyway...its 2013, been doing kettlebell for over 2 years and a half, within that time, i went from 9.10st and this time present 11.8st,so as it shows (i have packed on some muscle), i have put the weight on, i have also dropped body fat, i don't know what it was before i started, (to be honest i didn't know much about it back then) last time i got checked i was 12.1 bfp (body fat percentage), i think i have lost more since then.
 i am not aiming to be a body builder, my aim is ti gain more strength but keep at a good size keeping my general fitness pretty good, building myself to become a machine!

The verdict: do kettlebells build muscle? i think the question now is 'Can They'. Yes....yes they do, others may say otherwise, or they may just have some hate for them which we will never understand. i swear by my kettlebells, for me it is my preferd fitness tool.

Just one more pointer, i do a lot of swings to, not just lifts, and it still works for me. i am always trying new ways to improve my training, to get better for the KB haters..don't knock until you try ;)

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